Welcome to the audio-guided version of The Method!

It’s great to see you here! I’m very happy for you that you’ve taken the step of doing something wonderful for yourself. Not only is it unnecessary to carry around past and present emotional pain, it doesn’t feel good. You’re going to feel a lot better when you let it go. Let’s get started!

Preparing To Use This Audio

If you’re new to The Method, allow yourself 60-90 minutes for each session. The more you use The Method, the less time it will take — in as little as 10-15 minutes.

Note: It’s best not to schedule activities or social functions following your session. Sometimes strong emotions come up that need time to dissipate and pass. Plan to do something low key afterwards instead, such as resting, taking a walk, spending time in nature, meditating, listening to uplifting music, taking a warm bath, or doing gentle stretches or yoga poses. I like to spend time in nature and play reiki videos on the Divine White Light YouTube channel. See the bottom of the page for this and other resources.

  1. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

  2. Gather a pen and paper. You might want to keep a journal or use a notebook that you only use for The Method.

  3. Take a few moments to unwind and relax. Turn off your phone, sit quietly, and take a few deep breaths.

  4. Turn on the audio and begin.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions using the email form to the right.


To begin, click on the play button above.

introduction: How does The Method Work?

1/ Recognize when something’s bothering you. The clue will be your mood.

2/ Write about it. To allow thoughts, feelings, and memories to bubble up spontaneously.

3/ Focus on the feeling. Not what happened.

4 / Be honest with yourself. Don’t censor your feelings or what you write.

question #1: what’s the feeling?

Look into your mind’s eye. What do you see? Like a scene in a movie. What stands out? Are there any emotional or physical feelings?

question #2: How does it make me feel?

[ Click here for a list of emotions from Tom Drummond ]

question #3: Why does the feeling bother me?

Things you might uncover:

1/ Hurt. This is at the root of all painful feelings. I don’t matter. He/she hates me. I look stupid. When we’re hurt, we don’t feel loved. Humans inherently desire to love and to be loved. Deny this about yourself and you’ll be denying your true essence.

2/ Fears. About anything. One’s security and survival: I don’t manage my money well. Which could lead to: I’m going to run out of money. Fear of rejection: Nobody  loves me. Fear of failure: I’m terrified that my project won’t go well. Which could lead to: I don’t know what I’m doing. Fear of abandonment: If I don’t do what he/she wants, he/she will leave me.

3/ Guilt about having done something wrong: I feel guilty for treating him/her badly. Or shame about what others might think: I’m ashamed that I’m not better informed. Shame and guilt can be very painful feelings for some people. It’s common to want to deny these feelings.

4/ Anger. He/she was mean to me. I was blamed when it wasn’t my fault. Mom/Dad loves my brother/sister more. Repressed anger is a buried painful feeling.

5/ Beliefs and judgments. Usually, about one’s inadequacies and unworthiness: I’m not smart enough. I’m not attractive. I’m not worthy of being loved. I’m lazy. I don’t know what I’m doing. Also, about the world: Life is hard.

6/ Rejection, abandonment, and betrayal. By those we love the most. My father/mother didn’t return my affections. My siblings left me behind. My partner didn’t agree with me when it counted.

7/ Admissions. About difficult truths: This job is harder than I expected. About positive truths. In spite of having a bad romantic experience: I want to be loved.

8/ Reflections. Sometimes what’s bothering us has to do with another person – aspects of the person, how they act, what they’ve said or done. Be open to the possibility that the reason this bothers you is because the person is reflecting an aspect of yourself that you don’t like. This is related to admissions, admitting things we don’t like about ourselves.

question #4: Has the feeling happened before?

See what bubbles up spontaneously. Or try to recall significant life experiences, especially from childhood, with difficult family members and/or caretakers.



The Divine White Light YouTube channel has an array of videos that can help you release strong feelings that surface during a session of The Method. For example, there’s one to release anger and another to release emotional pain. Browse the library to find that might be suitable for you. (Disclaimer: The Simple Seven/Marlene Veltre are not affiliated with Divine White Light and are not liable for your use of their videos. Use at your discretion.)divine white light reiki videos on youtube

The Psycho2Go YouTube channel is a wonderful resource for learning about mental health topics and supplementing your experience with The Method.