Attain Your Highest, Most Vibrant Health
A guided way of permanently changing your lifestyle. Tailored to your personal needs and preferences, you will create a personalized plan that is designed to lead you to your highest, most vibrant health in the simplest and most enjoyable way.
○ Balances your body and revives its magnificence
○ Discovers and maintains your natural body size effortlessly
○ Increases your energy and vitality
○ Reveals your natural beauty and restores youthfulness
○ Boosts your immune system and prevents illness
○ Promotes inner peace and emotional well-being
○ Extends your longevity
Join Marlene Veltre, author of The Simple Seven and creator of Energy & Flow, for a truly experiential way of permanently changing your lifestyle. Within seven days you will blend doing the Body Basics into your stay so that by the end of the week, you will have laid down the foundation for attaining your highest, most vibrant health.
Master The Method
According to the American Medical Association, stress is a factor in at least 75% of illness and disease. The Method is a powerful tool for managing stress — and more. The Method is also powerfully effective with:
○ Emotional healing
○ Personal growth
○ Mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression
○ Addiction & recovery
○ Trauma and abuse
○ Spiritual development
In this workshop you will learn how to master using The Method so you can use it on your own, anytime, anyplace, within the privacy of your own space. All that’s required is paper and pen, a quiet place and time, and a willingness to be honest with yourself. The Method is a tool that can be learned once and used for life. The best thing that clients say about The Method is that it’s freeing and changes are immediate.
Attain Your Highest, Most Vibrant Beauty
Beauty isn’t just skin deep. Beauty is about being your very best, with what you see on the outside a reflection of what is happening inside — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. What’s essential is being careful about what you put into your body (self-care) and being (positivity and love) and what you clear out (detoxing), achieving balance, naturally.
A proper understanding will lead you to your highest, most vibrant beauty.
○ Youthfulness
○ Radiant Skin
○ Beautiful smile
○ Naturally lean
○ Inner peace
○ Radiance
○ Love
Join Marlene Veltre, author of The Simple Seven and creator of Energy & Flow, as she presents a science- and energy-based philosophy which integrates the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components of beauty that shape our inner and outer being. Topics include The Simple Seven Body Basics, self-care, detoxing, emotional healing, energy basics, and more.
Learn About Energy And How It Flows
Versed in a number of traditional, spiritual, and wisdom perspectives, an intuitive and an empath, Marlene Veltre weaves together a way of understanding our experiences based on this: “Everything is energy.” Join Marlene, author of The Simple Seven and creator of Energy and Flow, for an experiential workshop that includes topics ranging from emotional healing and energy modalities to manifestation, karma, ascension, the power of love, and more!
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