Episode 14: COVID-19. An Important Point We May Be Missing.

Today is March 13th, 2020. It’s been a few months since the COVID-19 coronavirus first broke out, now reportedly, in November of 2019. A month ago I did a podcast on boosting your immune system to help prevent an infection, such as COVID-19, the flu or the common cold. Today, I’d like to follow-up on that podcast with a thought. As COVID-19 has spread from China to other countries around the world, I feel that there is an important point we may be missing, which is this: ultimately, the risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19 is mostly dependent upon the state of one’s immune system, and the state of one’s immune system is greatly affected by lifestyle — health lifestyle, something that I feel strongly about and advocate for as a breast cancer survivor. We’ve already had SARS, now COVID-19, we don’t know what may be next. The point is this: COVID-19 raises a global call to improve our health. Here’s why.
