
Episode 14: COVID-19. An Important Point We May Be Missing.

Today is March 13th, 2020. It’s been a few months since the COVID-19 coronavirus first broke out, now reportedly, in November of 2019. A month ago I did a podcast on boosting your immune system to help prevent an infection, such as COVID-19, the flu or the common cold. Today, I’d like to follow-up on that podcast with a thought. As COVID-19 has spread from China to other countries around the world, I feel that there is an important point we may be missing, which is this: ultimately, the risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19 is mostly dependent upon the state of one’s immune system, and the state of one’s immune system is greatly affected by lifestyle — health lifestyle, something that I feel strongly about and advocate for as a breast cancer survivor. We’ve already had SARS, now COVID-19, we don’t know what may be next. The point is this: COVID-19 raises a global call to improve our health. Here’s why.



Episode 8: Health Hasn't Been Simple, But It Can Be

In today’s podcast, I’ll talk about why health hasn’t been simple: Namely, that health is confusing — health information is constantly changing, everybody has an opinion, and research has known problems. I’ll also talk about how health can be simple: I’ll discuss epigenetics, a field of biology, that supports how lifestyle can override your genes and genetic predisposition to illness and disease.

Episode 7: Happy Birthday to My Healthy 87 year-old Mother

My mother turns 87 today. She’s in terrific health! Knock on wood, she doesn’t have or has ever had any major illnesses, and she isn’t on any medications. In today’s world, that’s unheard of. She’s strong and vital and has always looked ten or twenty years younger. She’s taken good care of herself and it’s paid off. Join me as I honor my mother and share about her vibrant health on this day, her 87th birthday. Happy birthday, Mom!

Episode 6: Why Eating Healthy Is The Start, Not A Guarantee, Of Vibrant Health

Vibrant health involves doing seven things, which includes eating healthy, or eating fresh food, which is food that comes straight from the land or seas. But eating fresh food is just the start — not a guarantee — of obtaining nutrients. There are two factors to consider: First, how well your body digests food and second, the health of your intestinal tract. In today’s podcast, I’ll discuss the science that explains the process of how your body breaks down food and assimilates nutrients.

Episode 5: What Are Our Health Options Living In The Modern World?

Vibrant health is hard to attain living in today’s modern world. Scientifically-speaking, we’re not using our bodies in the way they were designed to be used. But we also don’t make a commitment to health; we don’t have the time. And there are some obstacles that can’t be avoided. Yet, medical experts agree that chronic diseases and conditions — such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and obesity — are preventable, and your lifestyle is key. You must make a commitment to your health. You’d be foolish not to. In today’s podcast, I’ll explain what your options are.

Episode 3: How Overdoing Healthy Things Can Be Unhealthy

Do you sometimes overdo healthy things? It’s easy to do. It’s exciting when we hear about a compelling, new idea. The idea may be beneficial, but overdoing it usually is not. In part, overdoing it has to do with some of our common attitudes that include “all or nothing” thinking. Instead of “less is more” , “more is more.” And ”no pain, no gain.” And yet, that’s not how the human body is designed to work. Learn about the science that supports why overdoing healthy things can be unhealthy.

Episode 1: Why Lifestyle Determines The Quality Of Your Health

There are seven things that you and I are responsible for doing in caring for the health of our bodies. It’s like an owner’s manual, and it’s based on how the human body is designed. How we do the seven things determines whether our lifestyle is healthy or unhealthy. Learn about the science that points to lifestyle and how to achieve vibrant health.